To understand your payouts it is essential to understand the items that compose it :
1. High level visibility
Head to Finance > Sales to payout > Payouts
From here you can download 2 types of reports:
- Complete payouts report
Here you can export the report containing all payouts within a certain date range.
The top part, will give you a combined data of sales, refunds, costs, adjustments and payouts during the period
The second part will give you the detail for each payout.
Here you can see how much sales you made in this time period and how the converted to the payouts you received
Note: if you are settling in several currencies you will need to download this report for each currency you settle in ( you will see an additional dropdown to pick the currency next to the export button )
Payout report detail - Full details at lower scale
- Complete payouts report
While the first report will help you with general reporting, you may wonder how was those numbers were calculated and what is behind them. For instance you may wonder what are those adjustments you see in your payout report. To drill more on each payout you can extract the detail of what element constitute it.
This report will tell you which settled transactions, refunds, adjustments where included in a specific payout. The fees for the payout are the combination of the acquiring fees for each settled & refund transaction included + the transaction fees ( processing fees) for the mentioned date mention ( in this example 03-01-2023 )
IMPORTANT: the transaction fees included are NOT the transaction fees of the settled transactions included in this payout, they are all transaction fees that happened in the mentioned date ( see point 3 for more info)
2. Condensed deep-diving at larger scale
To get a visibility at larger scale you can download the report > aggregate settlement details report to get all combined sales, refunds and other movements such as reserve funds, invoice deduction etc... over a certain period
MerchantPayin: Funds you transferred in the account
ReserveAdjustment :The funds being withheld from or released to the account due to funding or for using the Reserve register ( see your reserve balance in finance > balance )
other self-explanatory categories:
for other items or more precision see: https://docs.adyen.com/reporting/settlement-reconciliation/transaction-level/settlement-details-report/2. Interactive payment accounting report
3. Full details at large scale
To get a visibility
of all transactions that are used to calculate the sales, fees and refunds at larger scale you can download the report> Interactive payment accounting report to get all transactions over a certain period ( select all events )
From this report you may
- Calculate the sales :
Sum the "Captured" amount of the "Settled" type transaction=SUMIFS(Sheet2!N:N;Sheet2!J:J;"Settled")
- Calculate the processing fees
Sum the "Processing Fee" amount of the "Authorised" and "SentForRefund" type transaction=SUMIFS(Sheet2!V:V;Sheet2!J:J;"Authorised")+SUMIFS(Sheet2!V:V;Sheet2!J:J;"SentForRefund")
- Calculate the Acquiring fees
Sum the "Commission", "Markup" and "Scheme Fees" amount of the "Settled" type transaction=SUMIFS(Sheet2!Q:Q;Sheet2!J:J;"Settled")+SUMIFS(Sheet2!R:R;Sheet2!J:J;"Settled")+SUMIFS(Sheet2!S:S;Sheet2!J:J;"Settled")
- Calculate the refunds
sum the "Refunded" transactions
- Calculate the sales :