Public Description : description you can set for your event that will appear online. Lots of customization are possible on the inserted elements, including external content insert like images or video with the Source code buttonĀ
and the use of html codes.Code (max 8 charac) : code of the product. This code must be unique per entity (ex : not possible to have the same code for two competitions, but possible to have the same code for 1 rate and 1 competition)
Tax VAT : VAT rate that will be used for your event. To be selected among the dropdown elements
Ticket model : Ticket model that will be used for the competition (applied for all the matches, if not overloaded at match level)
Producer / Promoter / Partner : useful when using the producer portal. Producer contact (structure of type producer) that can be linked to the product. This contact will be able to access data related to this product in his producer portal.
Additional Producer / Promoter / Partner : useful when using the producer portal. Additional producer contact (structure of type producer) that can be linked to the product. This contact will be able to access data related to this product in his producer portal.
Invoice Producer / Promoter / Partner : useful when using the producer portal. Producer contact that will be invoiced for the product. The contact set in this field has no access to the producer data in the portal . just the invoiced contact for the product. Can but can be the same as defined in the producer fields. Needs to be define even if the producer has been set.
Merchant Id :
SHA Key :
Internet description URL : link to an external page that will appear behind the More Information link. This link is displayed after the Public description on the ticketshop. It aims at directing people to a page where you would usually present the product or the competition. To be used with care as it takes users out of the funnel.
Questionnaire :
Include in shipment fee