Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

New features


CSDF - Allow to synchronise allotments from NotNumbered Area screen

 The synchronisation of allotments from non-numbered area screen is now supported

Bug fixes


Rate table

 Rate tables are not


duplicated when a new season is





 Filtering for external entrances


does not work neither in logical nor in match configurations

[STX-86134] Hospitality room filter does not work without reloading the map after doing some modifications on the map

[STX-85912] U4 value for DCM cookie is incorrect

[STX-86525] Gygia link lost after application submission in lottery


UEFA PP15 / P15 - export

Export payments to SAP function has 2 identical date filters


and one is broken



B2B2C >

A wrong redirection after login is performed in the ticketshop when using the new list page widget


CLONE - Error during automatic SAM

 Automatic campaign status


update is not working correctly (SAM)


[ENA] Strange order of questionnaire questions at BO- always

 Questionnaire questions are displayed with an incorrect layout in the box-office screens


86170] Run cron tab to update hashIdentifier on OPLIL P16[STX-85660] [ASPRO] Unable to pay with credit note in pre-production

85660] Credit note payment in the ticketshop is not available under specific configurations



 It is imposible to link a new gate to a sector in the access control screens


promotion shows wrong results in touchscreen

 Promotions are badly displayed in the touch sceen (box-office)


[BFCG] Dropdown arrow not shown on IE v11

 Dropdown arrows are not shown correctly in the ticketshop when using Internet Explorer 11

[STX-85668] The logo appears twice on the landing page


CLONE - Technical

 A technical error occurs when


duplicating a membership

because of the logo

that had a logo and has been removed before saving



 Chinese characters should not be authorized in


first name /


last name fields



 Error in the computation of field


value of Skidata "intelligent" barcode


Export CSV configuration incorrect - FIFAT

 In logical configuration, when a category is missing, the CSV export is generated with incorrect values


85604] TS missing translation[STX-

85886] JSON seat maps cannot be deleted from the

Beta Seat

new seat map editor