Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Prerequisite: create a Season, Tariffs (subscribed contact/structure), Price Level, Ticket models

Aim: create and manage your season tickets

1. Definition and types

2. Create a new season ticket: basic settings
a) General:  i. General
                   ii. Parameters

♦ Calculated price
                       ♦ Predefined/Fixed-price and Championship                     
b) Grouping
c) Line
d) Quotas
e) Tariffs

f)  Fixed price (Predefined only)

g) Seat category

3. Other important settings
h) Product Profile
i) Payment methods

4. Advanced menus

j) Charges
k) Custom variables
l) Transport stops
m) Price breakdown
n) Access control synchronization (not used)

5. Validation

6. Filters and main screen buttons





Definition and types

In SECUTIX a Season Ticket is as "Composed product".
It is defined as a contract between the organization an its customers, which offers seats for a purchase at reduced rates in return for a commitment to attend a certain number of events (all, or a subset).

Button allows to create a new season ticket: according to your license, there are 3 types:


NB: once chosen, the price type cannot be modified

♦ Calculated price

The customerneeds customer needs to choice their tickets at the time of ordering the season ticket. The price is the sum of the prices of the tickets, using a specific season ticket tariff.

♦ Predefined/Fixed-price

For a predefined amount, the purchaser has the right to choose at most N performances.

The customers pay upfront one overall price, which entitles them to a fixed number of seats that they can choose for themselves.
Subscribers can choose seats after purchasing the season ticket, without exceeding the permitted number of seats.

titleItalian Certification | Specific behaviour

For Italian clients using a Certified S-360 license only this type of season ticket will be available.
Moreover, due to the fiscal requirements, some features described below might be inhibited or hidden (like "multi-season", "Ticket printing mode", etc)

♦ Championship

Season tickets of this kind give the right to attend to all matches of a given championship.

It is a special type of fixed-price season ticket that does not allow the customer to choose: once purchased, it cannot be modified but offers access to every match in a championship of a given sport club

There's also a flexible championship season ticket that works like the standard fixed price (with a selection of events to attend). More info here: Flexible Fixed Price Season card.

When selected it requires to specify the competition. See Organization | Catalog | Competition

NEW Fixed seat season ticket

This season tickets is thought to meet some specific needs for German and Austrian markets.
See more details here.





Create a new season ticket: basic settings

               a) General | General

Internal name (max 60 char.): name of your season ticket as it will appear in SECUTIX screen (backoffice)


Public Description: it will be used by the ticketshop.
There will be as many descriptions as the numbers of external languages set at Institution | Initialization | Institution characteristics: if left empty, the Ticketshop will use the main language description.
Customization are possible on the inserted elements, including external content insert like images or video with the Source code button and the use of html codes.


titleItalian Certification | Specific behaviour

(warning) Italian clients using a Certified S-360 license will need to define it as a 4-characters code, unique by Institution. (warning)  
The system will automatically add 4 more characters (8 in total) that will be displayed in C2 reports.

Another mandatory field is "Data di validità (scadenza)"

Tax VAT:VAT rate that will be used for your season ticket. To be selected among the drop down elements. It cannot be changed afterwards.
See : Institution | Initialization | VAT Rates

Product types: it is possible to choose among the values created in Organization | Initialization | Product Types

Alert ratio (%): Threshold of remaining availability from which the season ticket will be considered as with "limited availability".
This will trigger the availability color used on the ticketshop (it will become orange as soon as the level is reached) and display the Alert Quota message in the back office.


Seat category mapping: allows to select among the values defined in Organization | Venue | Mapping tables

Ticket printing mode: it is required to choose among two options: 1) Ticket only, to skip the printing of the season ticket itself (no card), 2) Simple card only, to avoid the printing of tickets;

Image Modified

Ticket model:Ticket model that will be used for the season ticket (Simple card type / e-simple card only)
When Ticket printing mode is set to "Tickets only", the system will use the ticket models of the events

Producer / Promoter / Partner:useful when using the producer portal. Producer contact (structure of type producer) can be linked to the product.
This contact will be able to access data related to this product in his producer portal.


titleItalian Certification | Specific behaviour

(warning) Italian clients using a Certified S-360 license will also have to define: (warning)

  • "Organizzatore": a structure contact that must have both an Italian address and VAT/"Codice fiscale". Name and VAT are included in ticket template and C1 reports.


Merchant Id:in case of split payment (installments), configuration of the merchant ID (instead of having it inherited from ePC)

SHA Key:related to the merchant ID, hash key to finalize the setup of the merchant ID

Logo:(max size size 1 Mb) image that will be used to illustrate the product. This image will appear on the landing page and on different pages of the ticket shop.
Depending on the setup of your landing page, you may want to pay attention to the ratio or to where you position the main element in your image. More info on A dynamic shop window

Internet description URL:link to an external page that will appear behind the More Information link.
This link is displayed after the Public description on the ticketshop. It aims at directing people to a page where you would usually present the event. To be used with care as it takes users out of the funnel.

Include in shipment fee:for cases where shipment fees where set to be Per ticket, you can choose if the product will be applying the shipment fees or not.
This provide the flexibility to say that some products are not eligible for shipment fees. See Organization | Initialization | Shipment Fees

Remark:text field to insert comment. This will remain at back office level.

               b) General / Parameter
               The following settings are shared by all types:


Allow subscriber quality: indicates whether the contacts become "subscriber" after purchasing this product. If yes, it will trigger Season Ticket Holder Indicator in Standard Indicators if activated.
It also means the customers will be entitled to access Subscriber Tariffs outside the season ticket.

                   Minimum subscription lines: is the minimum number of lines to be chosen when the season ticket is purchased

               Maximum subscription lines: is the maximum number of lines allowed by the season tickets

               Separate events: if set as yes, while creating or editing the season ticket, in “Line” menu you can choose the same event only once. To select the same event in more lines set is as "no".
                                             This option can be changed later (suspending the product first)


              b) Grouping


                          The screen (optional) allows to defines groups of lines, for which set specific min and max limits.
             Such setting has to be consistent with the basic limits defined in General | Parameter otherwise the season ticket might not work as expected or at all.

              c) Line

              In this menu you link the of your season's events to the season ticket. Other lines can be added after the product is validated/run, though it must be set as suspended first.


             In order add () the events the following screen requires the selection of the Activity first and the Grouping (if configured).


           Perfomances: allows to select the list of available dates

              d) Quotas
  In this screen you set how many season ticket of this kind you intend to sell. This value can be modified ongoing.

                   ♦ Calculated price


                  Quota is defined "without" category.

                  ♦ Predefined/Fixed-price and Championship


              g) Seat category

An informative screen that displays all the seat categories selected (with a quota) for any given Site/Space/Logical configuration used by the selected events (Lines)





Other important settings

           Among the other menus be sure you define, or review, accordingly:       


This is where you associate the set of rules regarding the selling of your season ticket. Among the rules, it will determine tariffs, quantities and sales date ranges for which the product will be available per sales channels.
See: Organization | Catalog | Product Profile

i) Payment methods

From this menu, you can define payment methods that can be used to purchase this product.

The rule is as follow: it is the intersection of Point of Sales Payment Methods, Product Family Payment Methods (see: Institution | Initialization | Payment Methods) and Product Payment Methods.


So if you want to have a payment method that is only available for your season tickets for example, you need to associate this payment method to your point of sales AND associate it at product family level.
That way this payment methods will only be available for your season tickets products on your point of sales.






Advanced menus

                j) Charges

When using Charges (fees that apply per ticket), you can associate one or more of your existing charges tables, by time and sales channel.
Either All sales channels or a List you can set up. You can apply different charges table on different sales channels.
See : Organization | Catalog | Charges tables

titleItalian Certification | Specific behaviour

Italian clients using a Certified S-360 license can configure presale prices in Price Breakdown menu (point jm, below) as described here

k) Custom variables

Custom variables are to be created in Organization | Initialization | Custom Variables.
Custom variables are element you can display on ticket. They are usually used to display static information that can not be setup elsewhere in SECUTIX.
They are related to the fields fields "Free text" (1 to 6) in in the ticket editor. See List of variables in the Ticket Editor (auto translated to English)

They can also be used through API and interfaces between SECUTIX and 3rd party system, in order to setup in SECUTIX sets of information that will be pushed and handled by the 3rd party system.

               l) Transport stops

              This options are for customers selling combined offers including leisure and public transportationtransportation. Only for SBB.
              They may define which stations or stops belonging to a public transportation network allow to reach the product associated.

i m) Price breakdown

          This screen allows to define multiple price components (ticketing, food, parking, promoter...) for prices defined previously.
          Relevant information on the configuration can be found here and here for price breakdown bottom-up.

     kn) Access control synchronisation

               Not used at season ticket level.







The validation step will make sure that you did not forget to set any mandatory information. In such a case, the message displayed will refer to what is missing.
If nothing is missing it will proceed in the actual creation that will become available for Running.





Filters and main screen buttons

The screen buttons perform the following actions:







Print test ticket

Export to excel

Delete the chosen Season Ticket (only if in "Preparing" of "Validating" state")

Validate the chosen Season Ticket (only if in "Preparing" and all the mandatory fields are accordingly set).

It works as the validation function included on the creation screen (point 5)

Activate the season ticket so it can follow rules set in Product Profile.

Stop (temporarily) the following of the rules set in the linked Product profile(s) for the given season ticket.

Used to perform a few changes while on sale

Cancel the season ticket (this does not perform any refund).

Duplicate the selected season ticket

Print a sample ticket.

Export the screen table of season ticket as an excel file