Breithorn V3 Release Notes Highlights
Keep mobile owner and cultural contact in sync
In an effort to bring TIXNGO and S-360 closer to simplify operations and allow you to further leverage the power of TIXNGO, we are taking a first step by making it possible to keep the mobile owner of TIXNGO in sync with the cultural contact of S-360.
Slow down black-market by preventing scalpers from assigning or transferring tickets
We have now introduced a new feature, allowing you to lock (and unlock) spectators preventing them to do specific actions from the mobile wallet (branded app only).
Display the number of people ahead in the queue
Previously, the user only had the progress bar to get an idea of where they stand in the queue. Now, they know their position.
This change brings enhanced transparency and reduces uncertainty.
Automatic update of card alias
Card alias are now auto updated on new payments, so the most recent card information is always stored in S-Pay. This will allow increased conversion rates for recurring payments or season card renewals.
Capacity for organizers to create tiers
In the Secutix Digital Assets platform's back-office, we've enriched the campaign setup for organizers. While crafting a campaign, organizers now have the choice to assign either luck-based random tiers or contingent-based tiers from TIXNGO ticket. Additionally, for each designated tier, organizers are required to upload a unique image, ensuring distinctiveness and exclusivity for every level of the ticketing experience.