Whymper V2.7
Bug fixes
[STX-83376] Seat map color configurator is not taking into account updated values
[STX-83437] The duplication process of price decomposition does not work correctly with old visits
[STX-83929] Values in rates tables are incorrect when using comma as separator
[STX-83919] Seats are not displayed correctly on badges for season tickets
[STX-83949] When a point of sales does not have overheads configured, it is not possible to pay reservations on the ticket shop
[STX-83892] Item and tariff of goods are not showing correctly on the quick sales screen
[STX-83681] An error occurs when names are stored with the character "-"
[STX-83870] The list of performances cannot be exported as an Excel file
[STX-83891] Fees are not shown when generating the eport "sales list"
[STX-83872] The operator is not restricted by the contingent limitation of the sales channel (operator can handle only the contingent linked to the sales channel)
[STX-83670] Updating a price on a performance duplicates the rate table even when the rate table is linked only to this performance
[STX-83828] When we select some lines in the Hospitality Allocation screen, then switch the rooms, the system switch the room correctly, but will select other lines
[STX-83014] On B2B2C sales channels, after submitting a registration form, the user is navigated to the login page without any message to tell him/her if the account is created or not
[STX-83962] The season loaded by default is incorrect in both screens sales cart and touch cart
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