Published — v. 3
How does the optimal selection algorithm work

How does the optimal selection algorithm work

When a user asks for seats on ticketshop with auto-attribution, here is the way they will be attributed.

SecuTix takes into account a set of rules :

  1. give seats of the right category and contingent
  2. seat people together
  3. do not create "holes" in the ranks (isolated seats of a given category and contingent)
  4. give the "best" seats possible (according to optimal selection values defined in seat map, or to "snake order").

Those criteria are in order of application. That means that we will prefer to seat 3 persons together on the last rank, than 3 persons isolated on first rank.

Some details on the rules.

Seat people together

SecuTix groups the people as much as possible. Here are the split rules.

Number of people to seatPreferences for segmentation









>9Split in 2, and apply the above rules

Those split rules can be adapted on a per-institution basis, through a paying service.

Optimal selection

Theaters : the optimal selection tools in the seatmap allows to choose the best seats on a per-area basis.

Stadiums of big venue : the blocks may be ordered for seat selection (example : first, the blocks in the corners for TV cameras, then the blocks near the pitch, then... - by default, all blocks are equivalent). The snake order tool in the seat map allows to choose the best seat for a given block (in the front row or the last row), then the seats are ordered following a snake order (1st rank, left to right, second rank right to left, 3rd rank left to right etc.). 

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