Published — v. 3
Whymper V2.16

Whymper V2.16

New features

[STX-82286] SSO login support with Gigya is added to the lottery

[STX-82287] SSO login support with Gigya is added to the ticket shop

[STX-85239] Contact synchronization from SecuTix to Salesforce and from Salesforce to SecuTix is now possible

Bug Fixes

[STX-84428] Barcode printing is failing when processing goods without ticket template

[STX-83554] The position of cosmetic items is different between physical and logical configuration in the new seat map, generating confusion

[STX-85258] The status of automatic SAM campaigns is not reflected correctly in the follow-up screens when these are completed

[STX-85252] Some spanish translations are missing in configuration screens

[STX-85206] Is is impossible to link a second swisspass card to the customer account

[STX-85109] Some error message are not understandable when clicking an individual visit pass twice

[STX-85029] It is impossible to refund a ticket linked to Swisspass, when the cancel operation files on the external provider

[STX-84874] Button color customizations are not reflected correctly in some elements of the ticket shop landing page

[STX-84579] Reducing group participants and refunding then the order brings the availability level higher than the limit causing an error

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