Published — v. 8
Contact credit note balance import file formats
Contact credit note balance import file formats
File format for credit note balance
The generic file format is described in Generic file format (Extended). This documents describes all available import fields.
In general:
- Field with empty data mean "ignore this field".
- Put value '=' will remove the current value in system.
- Field with data will be imported.
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
INSTITUTION | Text 15 | Yes | Institution code owning the data to be imported. |
ORGANIZATION | Text 8 | Yes | Organization owning the data to be imported. Default: same as institution. |
SALES_CHANNEL | Code | Yes | Default: MIGRATION |
POS | Code | Yes | Point of sales. Default: MIGRATION. |
OPERATOR | Code | Yes | Default: MIGRATION |
CONTACT_NR | Text 20 | Yes | Contact number who owns this credit note. |
CREDIT_AMOUNT | Amount | Yes | Amount of credit note * 100 (so that 25$ = 2500). |
CURRENCY | Code | Yes | Currency is using for imported organization. |
PAYMENT_METHOD | Code | Yes | External payment method only. Default: MIGRATION. |
REMARK | Text 2000 | No | Remark for payment |