Theme: Planned quotas
Domain - Planned quotas
Domain description
This domain describes the use and availability of planned quotas (contingent type "sub-target group") and corresponds to the view D_AVL_PLANNED_QUOTAS_V1_0 in which:
1 record = information on:
- either on a given contingent of type "sub-target group", a given performance (or match) and a given seat category
- or on a given contingent of type "sub-target group", a given logical configuration and a given seat category
Each record provides information on:
- Record type (description of a performance or a logical configuration)
- Considered performance or logical configuration
- Considered contingent
- Considered seat category
- Initial quota
- Used quota
- Quota available
- Quota assigned in the seatmap
- Proportion of the sold quota already seated or to be seated
A record is identified in a unique way by means of all the following attributes: (T_CONTINGENT_ID, T_PERFORMANCE_ID, T_SEAT_CAT_ID) or (T_CONTINGENT_ID, T_LOGCONFIG_ID, T_SEAT_CAT_ID)
This domain is available since Whymper V1.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_AVL_PLANNED_QUOTAS_V1_0.
Domain - Planned quotas of parents contingent
Domain description
This domain describes the use and availability of planned quotas (contingent type "target group") and corresponds to the view D_AVL_PLAN_QUOTAS_PARENT_V1_0 in which:
1 record = information on:
- either on a given contingent of type "target group", a given performance (or match) and a given seat category
- or on a given contingent of type "target group", a given logical configuration and a given seat category
Each record provides information on:
- Record type (description of a performance or a logical configuration)
- Considered performance or logical configuration
- Considered contingent
- Considered seat category
- Initial quota
- Proportion of the sold quota already seated or to be seated
A record is identified in a unique way by means of all the following attributes: (T_CONTINGENT_ID, T_PERFORMANCE_ID, T_SEAT_CAT_ID) or (T_CONTINGENT_ID, T_LOGCONFIG_ID, T_SEAT_CAT_ID)
This domain is available since Whymper V1.
Domain's columns description
The link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_AVL_PLAN_QUOTAS_PARENT_V1_0.
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