NEW V3.15 Information on the number of participants of group visits were missing in different reporting domains, especially in case of group tickets. The product revenue and attendance domains have been extended in order to provide you more information about the number of participants.
Product revenue domain
The product revenue domain provides 6 additional fields about the number of participants who have reserved or purchased a visit:
Field name | Explanation |
Nb of part. - Net res C | Net number of participants having reserved a free (complimentary) visit |
Nb of part. - Net res P | Net number of participants having reserved a paid visit |
Nb of part. - Net res T | Total net number of participants having reserved a visit |
Nb of part. - Net sold C | Net number of participants having purchased a free (complimentary) visit |
Nb of part. - Net sold P | Net number of participants having purchased a paid visit |
Nb of part. - Net sold T | Total net number of participants having purchased a visit |
The naming convention is exactly the same as for the other fields belonging to the product revenue domain.
An example of a report using these new columns is displayed below:
- The visit Bespoke tours uses group tickets. A total of 9 tickets have been sold representing in total 110 participants.
- The visit Visit conférence exposition uses also group tickets. A total of 3 tickets have been reserved representing 30 participants.
- Since the visit Visit guidée Christo et Jeanne-Claude uses individual tickets, the number of participants is equal to the number of tickets.
TED (The Executive Dashboard)
The dashboard displayed in TED already takes into account the number of participants and, therefore, was kept unchanged.
Attendance domain
The attendance domain was already providing the number of participants. This domain has been improved in order to display (if requested) the detail per tariff in case of group tickets with individual prices. Before this improvement, it was just displaying one line assigned to a fake tariff called "computed price".
- For purchase contact
- For cultural contact
Group tickets with individual price
This improvement has only been implemented in the attendance domain. Te other domains, like the product revenue domain, still display the "computed price" tariff.
Getting started
You don't have anything to do to use these additional fields in the template editor. Of course, your existing ticket templates haven't been modified and you will have to adapt them if you want to display the complete address of the cultural contact or purchase contact on your tickets.