SecuTix 360° Bishorn V3

SecuTix 360° Bishorn V3

 Bishorn V3 Release Notes

Bishorn V3 will bring new and exciting features between August 2021 and October 2021.

Keep your operators' tools up-to-date - ACTION REQUIRED BEFORE 14 NOVEMBER 2021

To keep up with security updates and guarantee a smooth experience to your operator, we keep updating the Firefox kit. With the start of the Bishorn release cycle, a new version of the SecuTix kit (Bishorn V1) for your operators was made available. Please refer to How to install the SecuTix kit (Firefox and Device Manager) for instructions on how to install/upgrade your kit to make sure that you keep up with security and performance fixes.

Deprecated version: All versions older than the Bishorn V1 kit will stop working on 14 November 2021 due to the expiry of their security certificate (including Gabelhorn V1, Q4 2019 and all previous kits). If you have not yet upgraded to the Bishorn V1, please upgrade now before the November 2021 deadline is reached.

The previous version (Gabelhorn V1, Q4 2019) will continue to work until the 14 November deadline but we highly recommend that you plan to upgrade to the new kit version in the coming months.


New and improved features

Online Sales

Ability for your customers to pay a part of a file or a part of their season ticket online

V3.15  Ability for your customers to pay a part of a file or a part of their season ticket from their online personal space, an interesting feature that opens a new degree of flexibility. In the context of the Covid pandemic and when events can be cancelled anytime this feature let your user pay progressively each tickets of season ticket right before the event / performance avoid to perform bulk refunds on your side.

Distinction between pay a reservation and cancel a reservation online

A new point-of-sales parameter is added so you can decide if reservation can be paid and cancelled online or paid only.

Exchange to a different product in the online self-exchange

Manage my bookings feature (or online self-exchange) supports now exchanging against any products or adding any products of the catalog available for sales on the corresponding sales channel. The feature is available on online sales channels and on the mobile operator.

Resale advantage

A new type of advantages allows you to define which contacts are eligible to purchase certain tickets on the resale platform. You can also enforce contact limits across primary and secondary market sales channels.

Resales of injected mobile tickets

NEW V3.12 Let your customers resell their already injected mobile tickets (TIXNGO)

Resell tickets bought on the resale platform

Let tickets bought on the resale platform to be resold again.

Retain by default tickets put on the resale platform

Easily control when tickets put on resale can actually be purchased on the resale platform.


  • Ever concerned your online customer might forget to add tickets for conditional tariffs? It is now possible to configure the Online Sales portal to pre-select the max. quantity of the conditional seat category once the online customer has selected its linked “parent” seat category, while still keeping the possibility for the customer to actively de-select or to decrease the pre-selected quantity of the conditional seat category. You can activate this feature via Organization Context > Catalog > Tariff > Pre-select the max. conditional quantity.
  • The title field on the online account creation can be set as optional from the screen configuration setup.
  • The default sorting behaviour on the list of tickets page on the resale platform is now based on seat details instead of ticket numbers.
  • By default, the tariff pre-selected for your customers will be the advantages prices rather than the full price like right now. This will ensure that your customer gets always the best price for their tickets.
  • Tickets purchased through packages will now be taken into consideration when calculating contact limits for events and competitions on B2C portals. You can activate this feature through Organization Context > Catalogue > Limits > Contact Limits > Include performances / matches purchased via packages.
  • We are adding a new Shipping package concept (i.e. shipment splitting) in the ticket distribution portal (B2B) so that logged-in relays can specify a different shipment mode while distributing tickets to another relay or individuals.
  • A new point-of-sales parameter is introduced so you decide if reservations can be paid only online or just like now if it can be paid or cancelled.
  • Faster checkout using the guest login can now be made available to your customers in case you use an exclusive SSO provider 
  • (Tournament platform) Your customers can resale their conditional match tickets after they have been converted to real match tickets on the resale platform.
  • (Tournament platform) Sorting order for matches can now consistently be set to be based on match days.

    Currently, in SecuTix, the default sorting order for matches on Internet Portals has always been by date and time, but in the context of the tournament, it is often the case when the logical sorting order is different from the chronological order for matches. In the previous release, we have adapted the sorting/listing on matches by match number (i.e. match day rank) in all the customer/operator-facing match selection pages of online portals, lottery, back-office & box-offices. In this release, we continued this evolution so that matches can be sorted by their logical order instead of the default chronological order on the remaining pages of FCFS and Resales Platform, specifically including, Shopping cart, Checkout, Order Summary, My Ticket list, Resell tickets, File Summary pages.
  • (Tournament platform) Contact number is now visible in the lottery portals
  • The resale platform can now be used by customers using external managers (e.g. FortressGB)
  • Your season ticket holders can change the seat for all performances of their calculated season ticket in one step when buying online (if all performances in the season ticket share the same logical configuration and have the same seat category).
  • Injected TIXnGO tickets can be put on resale on the SecuTix resale platform in a secured way.
  • (Tournament platform) In the lottery module, tickets sold within packages are now taken into account when computing global contact and match limits.
  • (Tournament platform) In the lottery module, category breakdown is now shown in the application summary for accessible ticket requests
  • (Tournament platform) When creating or managing group sales request online, your key clients can propagate the same quantities across all matches.
  • NEW V3.15 Define periods during which posting tickets on the resale is allowed independently from the actual sales periods of the resale platform.
  • NEW V3.15 SecuTix will let your users easily convert into contact when going through the guest checkout process online. 
  • NEW V3.15 The seat map selection widget is added to the SecuTix widget library. This widget lets you put a seat map selection process on your institutional website or any authorized website.

Onsite Sales

Mobile box-office captures origin of customers

Operators working with the mobile operator can now capture the origin of customers on anonymous sales in order to get demographics data.

Other Improvements

  • Manage my bookings features (mobile operator) supports now exchanging against any products or adding any products of the catalog available for sales on the corresponding sales channel. Read more
  • Operators working with the mobile operator can now capture the origin of customers on anonymous sales in order to get demographics data.
  • Easily duplicate in bulk a temporary cart item for other matches/performances of the same competition/event.


Contact criteria and indicators as SAM dynamic fields

NEW V3.15 Contact criteria and indicators can now be inserted as dynamic fields inside SAM's email templates. They can be inserted within titles or text content and used to trigger the display of certain elements of your template.

Gift Aid UK

V3.15 Donating through Gift Aid means charities and community amateur sports clubs (CASCs) can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra.

You can find more details about Gift Aid here : https://www.gov.uk/donating-to-charity/gift-aid and here : https://www.gov.uk/claim-gift-aid-online


  • Use dynamic fields, like the name of the contact, in your SAM email subject.
  • The preferred language of contacts is now available in SAM exports.
  • New API function to retrieve the list of SAM targets
  • Extension to the existing function to get details of a target to support dynamic targets
  • DAN: Cultural contact dimensions are now available as filters and can be toggled in contact reports
  • NEW V3.15 Use contact criteria values as dynamic fields in SAM's email templates


Companion seats automatically assigned together

Seats can be paired to allow automatic seat assignment of the pair. One of the seat is the main seat, e.g., a wheelchair seat, and the other is the companion seats, e.g., for the wheelchair companion.

Limitation: This feature works only in automatic seat assignment, not with "choice on seatmap".

Create a goods purchase order more easily by adding multiple goods items in one click.

NEW V3.15 When creating a purchase order, operator had to add the goods items one by one. This was time consuming when operator needed to create a large order. In order to simplify the process, the operator can now add all items matching some search criteria in one step.

Display contact's address on the ticket

NEW V3.15 Some fields were already available in the ticket template editor to provide some information on the purchase contact or cultural contact. These fields have been extended so that the contact's complete address may be displayed on the ticket.

Extend information on visits available in reports

NEW V3.15 Information on the number of participants of group visits were missing in different reporting domains, especially in case of group tickets. The product revenue and attendance domains have been extended in order to provide you more information about the number of participants.

Price refactoring and breakdown for services

NEW V3.15 After the price refactoring and breakdown implemented in the previous releases for different product families, it's now time to extend this feature to the services. The goal of the refactoring is to store all kinds of prices (no matter the product family, inside an advantage or not, etc.) to a price grid in a standard way so that all product families can benefit from the new features like the price breakdown.

Renew automatically memberships valid for a fixed duration after purchase,

SecuTix already provides a batch to renew memberships valid for a whole season. This batch has now been extended to handle memberships valid for a fixed duration after purchase, no matter the duration of validity and season length.

Search for transactions by the last 4 digits of the credit card used

Find payments in the back-office by entering the last 4 digits of a credit card is now possible. It's an efficient way when you need to search for specific transactions and you can acces the details of the orders straightaway.

TicketBAI (digital signature of orders according to Spanish Basque Country regulation)

NEW V3.15 A new law requiring the digital signature of orders in the Spanish Basque countries will take effect on the 01.01.2022. From now on, SecuTix allows you to be compliant with this new regulation.

To comply with french local regulation museums will be able to export orders to Chorus Pro

French public administrations have adopted the Chorus Pro platform for receiving invoices from their suppliers. The platform simplifies the invoicing process and reduce the payment times for companies. More details can be found on the Chorus Pro website.

Other Improvements

  • Operators can now use Thermal Ticket Printing with RFID capabilities on the supported Stimare Printer. The RFID tag embedded on the Thermal Ticket will then be linked to the printed ticket, transferred to the access control system (through our API), and can be used as access control identification.
  • Date format of your reports can now be tweaked to match your local format. To change the date-time format of your reports, please reach out to our customer service. The team will be able to adjust the institution parameters where the definition of the date format is set for reports. So all your reports can now display dates in format such as "mm.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss" or "dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss".
  • External Reference for Movements is now available on the ticket template editor, which can then be displayed on the thermal ticket or to be sent to TIXnGO as extra ticket fields.
  • The automatic refund batch was refunding installments having failed to be paid. From this release, operations having a due date agreement linked that has not been paid or where the payment has failed will be excluded from the automatic refund process.
  • Search for tickets by card number by scanning an RFID tag, from the on-site support screen.
  • Take history into account when limiting the quantity per order or performance in advantages
  • Automatically push the access control checks to TIXnGO.
  • Prevent injection of tickets to TIXnGO for which ticket holder data is missing.
  • (Tournament platform) It is now possible to use the sub-target group's code and name (linked to a B2B relay contact) as a dynamic field/macro so that you can further customize the Invoice and File Summary documents and provide personalized content based on the File Contact's sub-target group.
  • Reprinted TIXnGO tickets will be injected to the latest owner by default but can be sent to the original owner based on the invalidation cause.
  • Operators can revalidate a contact that was inactivated, e.g. due to contact merging. Note that this does not fully revert the invalidation/merging process: merged transactions or deleted names will not be restored.
  • NEW V3.15 In the touch cart, your operator selling merchandising can see at a glance the current stock level of items (either for the stock locations of the PoS if defined or the overall stock). An out-of-stock icon  is shown when the stock is lower than the quota alert threshold.
  • NEW V3.15 More contact titles are now available for customers in DACH and UK: you can activate the new values for the title from Organization > Screen configuration at the level of the organization or for individual sales channels.
  • NEW V3.15 Define the time frame during which contacts can update ticket holder details.
  • NEW V3.15 Changes in the prices of a price table used in an interface will pop up a warning message to ensure that this will not be breaking changes for the corresponding interface.
  • NEW V3.15 When merging duplicates, the process will keep the most recently changed address even if the change was done on the "looser" contact ensuring that the most up-to-date address is kept.
  • NEW V3.15 Thanks to a new batch you will be able to manage the cancellations in bulk with a dedicated batch in the context of the skidata-interface.
  • NEW V3.15 When using the existing copy tariff feature, your operators will be able to include or not the custom variables linked to the copied tariff. 
  • NEW V3.15 Create a goods purchase order more easily by adding multiple goods items in one click.
  • NEW V3.15 The ability for your customers to pay a part of a file or a part of their season ticket from their online personal space, an interesting feature that opens a new degree of flexibility.
  • NEW V3.15 A new type of contact limit allows you to restrict quantities per product family or down to the activity level for events and competitions.

Open Platform

Keep up-to-date with our open platform APIs on platform.secutix.com

Control which data is exported through the access control interface

The main purpose of the access control interface is obviously to send ticket data to third party access control system. However, nowadays we see more and more additional usage, e.g., deploying a secondary access control or providing information to local authorities. In such cases, it may be useful to be able to control exactly what information is exported, thus only providing the strictly necessary data.


  • Third-party distributor interface: visit passes availabilities can now be exported to FNAC
  • French public organizations can now use a new interface with Chorus Pro to manage the invoicing of school group visits
  • New operator rights in virtual operator profiles can be used to control calls to some sensitive APIs (by default those actions will be allowed for virtual operators that are able to create orders already):
    • Sales interface>Refund order creation is required to create refund orders (ExternalOrderFacade.refundTicketOrder, ExternalOrderService.createRefundOperations)
    • Sales interface>Cancel reservations/options is required to create cancellation orders (ExternalOrderService.cancelOperations)
  • The reconciliation of sales between SecuTix and Skidata DTA can be performed using a dedicated batch

Full list of improvements per release

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