SecuTix 360° Bishorn V2

SecuTix 360° Bishorn V2

 Bishorn V2 Release Notes

Bishorn V2 will bring new and exciting features between April 2021 and July 2021.

Within this new release, the mobile operator keeps improving, price refactoring is continuing with fix-price season tickets (incl. championship season tickets), our B2B distribution tool supports new use cases (visit passes as well as TIXnGO ticket in a first version) and new innovative widgets are being released, on top of lots of improvement to boost your productivity.

Keep your operators' tools up-to-date

With the start of the Bishorn V1 cycle, a new version of the SecuTix kit for your operators was made available. Please refer to How to install the SecuTix kit (Firefox and Device Manager) for instructions on how to install/upgrade your kit to make sure that you keep up with security and performance fixes.

The previous version (Gabelhorn V1, Q4 2019) will continue to work for now but we highly recommend that you plan upgrading to the new kit version in the coming months.

Deprecated version: Kit versions prior to Gabelhorn V1 (Q4 2019) are deprecated and not supported anymore. If you still use them, upgrade now.


New and improved features

Online Sales

The one-click purchase widget for quick and simple sales of a product is coming.

Streaming and digital product catalog section let your contacts access the content in one click

NEW V2.6 Accessing the catalog of digital products (e.g. streaming) will be much easier for your contacts thanks to this new section widget that can contain all the products having a stream custom variable attached. Your subscribers (members) will be able to access directly all the content that is free thanks to the subscription they have purchased. They will be able to click on the "WATCH NOW" button from the landing page directly.

Improved Google Analytics Data layer for calculated season ticket sales

NEW V2.6 You are a strong user of the Google Analytics enhanced e-commerce tracking and you want to gain a deeper understanding of your visitors behavior especially on the calculated season tickets sales. Our Enhanced E-commerce feature has been further extended and is here to provide you with all those details.

Conditional tariff with quantity ratio

Conditional tariffs can now be configured with a specific quantity ratio with respect to the selected quantity of the parent tariff

Manage documents from file details

NEW V2.6 Manage document uploads directly from the File Details page through the online portal

B2B mobile ticket distribution

NEW V2.6 The B2B portal offers the possibility to distribute TIXnGO secured mobile tickets.

New reset password procedure

NEW V2.9 In order to increase the security, a new reset password procedure allows the end user to change the password without sending a password unencrypted by email. The end user receives a link in order to change his password.


  • You can now assign tickets purchased via single-use codes using the Friends & Family feature of the ticketshop.
  • Packages can be made available on the lottery without making the content available individually.
  • We improved the UX of the lottery portal: it becomes possible to display a large number of packages (up to 1000) thanks to new filters that will help your customer find the right package: teams, venue as well as a pagination of the list.
  • Ticket holder information can be cleared upon putting on resale to ensure that any ticket taken back follow ticket holder rules (activated via a point of sales parameter).
  • Public remarks can be made visible in the file detail page of the ticket shop using a new point of sales parameter.
  • NEW V2.6 A new catalog page listing together all the digital content available on sale is now available making it easier to highlight and sell any digital content such as streaming or virtual visits.
  • NEW V2.6 Internet users can now upload documents directly from the corresponding File Details page through the online portal and be able to view and delete each uploaded document if needed. (activation via a new point-of-sale parameter)
  • NEW V2.6 Lottery portals now supports gathering of additional ticket holder data, i.e. Title and Country of Residence, for guest tickets (stored as questionnaires in the back-office).
  • NEW V2.6 The data layer used with advanced e-commerce tracking is enhanced with additional data and events, in particular related to season ticket pages and related to order types (sales/reservation).
  • NEW V2.6 The B2B portal offers the possibility to distribute mobile tickets prior to ticket distribution to TIXnGO
  • NEW V2.6 (Tournament - Group sales process) More precise control is now possible on actions available to Level 2 STG relays thanks to finer grain permissions on group sales related operations (sub-relay management, pre-request quotas administration, ticket distribution, etc.). You can configure them through Organization > Target group configuration > Configure permissions.
  • UPCOMING When reselling a ticket on the resale platform, simple charges on the original ticket can now be correctly not refunded to the reseller. In a transition period, the new behavior is not active by default and requires a specific activation via a feature flag - please get in touch with the service team if needed.

Onsite Sales

The new comer to our onsite sales interfaces, the Mobile Operator, continues to gain features, including to welcome your visit groups thanks to a calendar view of expected groups.

Mobile box-office : visit group calendar improved comments and remarks visibility

The group visit calendar view on the mobile operator will offer an improved visibility for all visits where remarks or comments have been made, making sure that the operator will see any key information about the group.

Other Improvements

  • The group visit calendar view on the mobile operator will offer an improved visibility for all visits where remarks or comments have been made, making sure that the operator will see any key information about the group.


TED learns how to display Tours and multiple product families at once.

Charts for TED

TED, the executive dashboard, has had a small addition but with a big visual impact.

DAN improvements

NEW V2.14 Some improvements have been added to DAN, SecuTix Data Analytix: Anomymous sales, Prospects, sub-topics and contact preferred language.

Display internal names in TED

NEW V2.9 Using TED for internal purposes? Configure to display the internal names of your products instead of the external names.

Mobile view editing for SAM's designer editor

Design your emails for both desktop and mobile at the same time by instantly visualizing the result and making adjustments without having to go to preview

Qlik Server version upgrade for DAN

NEW V2.10 DAN is built on top of Qlik Sense and we regularly upgrade our server to provide you with the new features.

Text editor upgrade for SAM's designer editor

The text editor used within SAM's designer editor has been upgraded.


  • SAM: Custom fonts can be added the new modern HTML editor (requires a service)
  • NEW V2.10 DAN: Two new museum attendance measures based on number of participants have been added to "Latest attendance/sales KPI" and "Latest sales per date" reports


Grouping of fees for display and more are enabling more efficient ticketing operations than ever before.

Commission contract on net price (without VAT)

 NEW V2.12 The commission contract feature will enable advanced setup of commission calculation by adding the possibility to calculate the commission based on the net price. For now the calculation was only possible on the full price (taxes included).

Dependent pre-requests creation batch

NEW V2.9 Create in bulk new pre-requests (a.k.a. options or quotes) based on a ratio with respect to existing files for specific competition/event.

Handle refund of multiple payments within a file

The refund batch is now able to refund on credit card multiple payments within a file

Improved inventory management of goods with incremental importation now supported

 NEW V2.12 SecuTix lets you sell merchandising and manage your inventory of goods. The excel importation process is improved to support incremental inventory management. Your operators will be able to decide if the values are replacing or adding to the existing level of inventory.

New way to handle direct debit payments for the SEPA area

A new way of processing direct debit payments for the SEPA area is now available. Direct debit payments have been available for a few years based on the services provided by our Slimpay partner. You can now use a new in-house process to handle direct debit, allowing you to process direct debits on the basis of standardized bank files that you can import/export from SecuTix.

Optimal selection snake tool improvement

NEW V2.5 Snake tool options hover over the map for quicker configuration and fully frozen/invalid seats can be bypassed.

Price refactoring and breakdown for fixed price season tickets, including championships

NEW V2.9 After the price refactoring and breakdown implemented in the previous releases for different product families, it's now time to extend this feature to the fixed price season tickets, including championship season tickets. The goal of the refactoring is to store all kinds of prices (no matter the product family, inside an advantage or not, etc.) to a price grid in a standard way so that all product families can benefit from the new features like the price breakdown.

Take into account refunded single matches while refunding an entire championship season ticket

The box office now takes into account refunded single matches while refunding an entire championship season ticket, thus avoiding to refund the same match twice in some cases.

Using shared ticket printers connected to your network

The ticket printer doesn't need to be connected to your workstation anymore. You can directly use ticket printers connected to your network.

Other Improvements

  • Refund your customers on credit card even if they have used multiple payments (e.g. if they paid an order using a credit card and customer credit), thanks to the improved refund batch
  • Swiss customers can now print QR invoices instead of the old ESR/BVR slip
  • Segmentation rules for seat assignment can be overridden at physical configuration or performance/match level (requires a service).
  • Two new action kinds that allow setting up documents to print/send when printing or collecting tickets.
  • Questions with a length up to 1'000 characters may now be displayed on box office and ticket shop. To do so, simply add a public description to the question. This public description will be displayed on the box office and ticket shop instead of the question's name.
  • Options orders ("quotes") now allow to create options for the product family Open Products from the back-office.
  • Egypt is added to the list of countries supporting IBAN.
  • The marketplace barcode is upgraded to support up to 1'000 seasons. The change is backward compatible and will apply to new tickets without requiring any action on your side.
  • The lottery domains are now accessible via the Queries screen from the Institution context like for other domains. Learn more about accessing domains from queries
  • NEW V2.6 The credit balance, pending account and pending account history screens are extensively used in the current context in order to ease your operations you will be now have clickable file and order links.
  • NEW V2.6 Performance of visit pass details screen has been improved.

Open Platform

New widgets are coming: payment and one-click-purchase.

Keep up-to-date with our open platform APIs on platform.secutix.com


  • NOVA: NVF-286, NVF-294, NVF-295, NVF-301
  • Through the Euterpe interface, topics and remarks for events will sent from SecuTix.
  • NEW V2.6 A new security right for virtual operators allows to block feedback calls (setting the ticket status to Controlled) from an access control 2-way interfaces

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