SECUTIX 360° Breithorn V2

SECUTIX 360° Breithorn V2


Breithorn V2 Release Notes

Breithorn V2 will bring new and exciting features between April 2023 and August 2023.


Highlights of the Breithorn V2 Release

Online Sales

Cross-selling: group the display of target products

Target products belonging to different cross-sales may now be displayed in a user friendlier way

Override friends&family options at match or product level

You have different requirement for ticket holders details for different performances/matches or products? You can now override the rules about friends & family at match/performance or product level.


The configuration regarding cultural contacts (friends & family) which is done in the point of sales ("Allow purchase on behalf of my friends/family") is the default setting but can now be overridden at performance/match level.

Onsite Sales

Access control device – warning in case of tickets with reduced price

This change concerns only our customers using our in-house access control system. SecuTix has noticed that the warning in case of tickets with reduced prices was displayed regardless of the parameter enabling this feature. This behavior has now been corrected, meaning the warning can only be displayed if the corresponding parameter has been enabled. Consequently, if you want this warning displayed (in case a ticket benefits from a reduced price), we advise you to check the setting of your control devices as described below.

Display TPE instructions on TVM screen

SecuTix customers using Ogone as Payment Service Provider may replicate the instructions of the payment terminal on the ticket vending machine, thus making them much easier to read.



Display the amount to pay on the MOTO payment form

In the case of mail orders or telephone orders, the back-office operator has to enter the credit card information that the end customer provided him by mail or during the phone call. In order to ease the payment process (performed by the operator), the amount to pay is now recalled on the pop-up allowing you to enter the credit card information.

Ensure the invoice document has been set-up when invoicing is enabled

SecuTix provides a systematic invoicing mode. However, some set-up mistakes may prevent the invoice from being generated. This feature adds some checks to inform the operator about inconsistencies preventing invoice generation. The other invoicing modes (invoicing on request) also benefit from these checks.

More secure procedure to create new operators

A more secure procedure to create new operators is now available. In this new procedure, the creator operator won't set the password of the created operator. Instead, the created operator will receive an email with a link to set his password. SecuTix strongly recommends to use this new, safer procedure.

Product setup screens simplification


Following our simplification strategy, the product setup screens have been simplified and reorganized to ease the process of creating new products. A new advanced tab has been added to the general screen. You can find an example of this in the Solution section. This advanced tab regroups the highly specific or rarely used fields. We selected these fields by combining our expertise and extensive data analysis on their usage. A similar advanced section was also added on the left menu for the rarely used screens during product creation.

SSL Certificates Management


SSL Certificates on webshops have been managed manually until now. This process is not error proof and can lead to incidents when certificates are not renewed in time.

A new process for automating this management and providing a dashboard has been devised. It is explained here.

Open Platform

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