S-360 Zumstein V3

S-360 Zumstein V3


Zumstein V3 Release Notes

Zumstein V3 will bring new and exciting features between August and November 2024.


Highlights of the Zumstein V3 Release

Online Sales

Improved data privacy for Friends & Family feature

Aa a general principle, data privacy legislations impose that a person only sees the personal data he needs to carry out his tasks. Applied to the Friends & Family feature, this means that the group lead should only see the information needed to carry out his tasks, like paying the group member's reservation. Several small adaptations have been brought to the content of Ticket Shop pages to stick more tightly to this data privacy principle.

Email validation at registration (CR 540)

Email validation at registration is a common feature of e-Commerce web and mobile sites.

Any newly registered user has to confirm the email he entered is valid, usually by clicking on a confirmation link in a mail received on the provided email address.

This has many purposes:

Fair Pre-Queue

You are launching sales at a specific date and time? The new PeakProtect Fair Pre-Queue allows to simplify your communication and improve the user experience.

New PeakProtect look & feel

A majority of online sales are now done using a mobile device. PeakProtect's brand-new mobile-responsive look & feel is there to provide a great first impression, regardless of the device.

Ticketshop 1.5


The Ticketshop 1.5 revamp introduces a modern, minimalistic UI upgrade, enhancing visual clarity, consistency, and accessibility. It also streamlines the seat map, implements some UX improvements, and ensures better device compatibility across platforms.

Value in details

SSO: automatic linking of accounts

External SSO solutions do not require any manual linking by the user anymore. IDP are trusted to provide an email validation process and any existing user account will now be automatically linked to upon successful authentication.

Onsite Sales

Possibility of auto-filling the town and city after inputting the postal code

In the Box Office we extended the address autofilling in two ways:

  • On the contact screen, entering a postcode after selecting a country now automatically fills in the town and province fields
  • On the touch cart origin screen, entering a postcode after selecting a country now automatically fills in the province field



Operator & profile import/export

Need to create operators in bulk or copy them from other environments? Your list of operators and their profiles can now be easily exported and imported between environments or organizations.

Security - Removed Support user capability for SSO accounts (STX 143391)

There is currently a Support user mode in which an operator can act in the context of any individual user as described on this page : How to use the Support mode?

It has been discovered that using a SSO account, i.e. an account managed by an external Identity Provider (IDP), as a Support account creates a significant security risk.

Compute tariff prices as a discount from another tariff

Some customers are defining child rates or season ticket holder rates as a percentage of a full rate. For example, the amount of the child tariff could match the full tariff with a discount of 40% (or 10€).

Currently only "no discount" or "fixed discounts" can be defined for a tariff

This feature adds a new discount possibility: tariff as a percentage of another tariff

New SEPA version

You can now use the SEPA 2019 version for all the SEPA related payment methods. We keep maintaining the older SEPA versions.


To activate the new SEPA version, please verify the payment method type you use.

France: new requirements on invoices on January 1st, 2025

Starting on January 1st, 2025, invoices in France will have to mention the SIREN. Also, the shipping address must be displayed if different from the invoice address.

Operator import/export

Your list of operators can now be easily exported and imported between environments or organizations. The import file (JSON) can also be edited to create bulk import for new operators.

Addition of columns in report domains

For the datamarts, the product creation date and time has been added to the D_CONFIG_PROD_LIST_V1_0 table, and the date of last update of the entry for the table D_SALES_LIST_SALES_V1_0.

Open Platform

Stay up-to-date with our open platform APIs on platform.secutix.com

Keys - API Monitoring: find errors in call details screen

On your API monitoring screen, you can now filter down by response type in the details of an item (combination Key/Method) to only display the calls in error. This will help you with your analysis and issue resolution.
For more info on our API Monitoring tool Keys, please check this page

Keys - API Monitoring - refine time filters

On your API monitoring screen, you can now click on the bar of the graph to narrow the time filters down do that time period. 
For more info on our API Monitoring tool Keys, please check this page

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