SecuTix 360° Gabelhorn V2

SecuTix 360° Gabelhorn V2

UK Direct Debit

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Split Payment

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Membership renewals

Your members are key customers and deserve to have the best service possible. Thanks to this new member renewal batch, SecuTix let you offer an higher level of services to your members while reducing the operations workload on your side.

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Other new features and enhancements

Gabelhorn V2 also features a number of other improvements.

A reminder about the new SecuTix kit and Device Manager

There is an update available for the SecuTix Firefox kit, which includes a new way to manage communication between your box office and peripherals – printers, payment terminals and cash drawers. This is the 'Device Manager' installed with Firefox, which now controls box office peripherals. It replaces the applets, which are now discontinued.

If you haven't installed the latest version, please see How to install the SecuTix kit (Firefox and Device Manager).

  Supported configurations...


  • Windows 7 / 8 / 10
  • Firefox 60.x ESR 
  • Java 1.8u201

  • Internet sales channels are supported on all browsers used by more than 1% of the worldwide internet population. Reference can be found here: https://caniuse.com/usage-table

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