SecuTix 360° Weisshorn V2

SecuTix 360° Weisshorn V2


Weisshorn V2 Release Notes

Weisshorn V2 will bring new and exciting features between April 2022 and August 2022.


Highlights of the Weisshorn V2 Release

Online Sales

Allow tariff selection on the resale platform

Currently, the resale platform allows to resale tickets not belonging to a season ticket at the tariff of the initial ticket. For tickets belonging to season tickets, you had the choice between keeping the initial tariff or forcing a given (generally occasional) tariff. A new mode, called seat release, provides more flexibility by allowing your customers to choose the tariff when buying tickets on the resale platform.

Allow your customer to define a time slot to pick up their tickets at an onsite location

WV2.9 If you are offering onsite ticket collection, using the "hand to contact postponed" shipment mode, you may have experienced difficulties during peak times at the pickup location to handover the tickets.

Onsite Sales

Customization of the contact creation pop-up

 WV2.3 Capturing contact details is essential but you want to make sure not to disrupt the sales handled by your operators. Finding the right balance for your needs is now even easier with a fully customizable contact creation form.

Quick sales without map improvements

 WV2.15 Need to provide efficient on-site sales for more than the days match/performance? You can now allow operators to use the quick sales without map screen to sell other matches/performances of the same competition/event. To further improve efficiency, the area/contingent selection can be made fully automatic and contact details are easier to check and update.

Ticket collection tracking from the ticket list

NEW V2.0 You can now activate the same kind of ticket collection tracking that existed in the dedicated onsite screen when using the standard Ticket List screen to reprint tickets. In particular, this will allow you to better track what your onsite team is performing to troubleshoot tickets, typically with mobile tickets. 



Enable cancellation insurance per sales channel

Until now, the cancellation insurance could be enabled at season and product family level. However, it was enabled either on all sales channels or on none. SecuTix provides now the possibility to enable the cancellation insurance per sales channel.

GDPR anonymization batch improvements for external data management and different processing of prospects and customers

WV 2.12 Optimizing GDPR anonymization processes is key to stay up to date with the regulation while making the best out of the data captured on any touch point you made with your contacts. The regulation differs depending on the kind of interaction you had with contacts (e.g.: prospects versus purchasers).

Open Platform

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Full list of improvements per release

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