SecuTix 360° Matterhorn V2

SecuTix 360° Matterhorn V2

What's new in SecuTix Matterhorn V2?

With this second version of SecuTix 360° in 2016, we have focused on the "visit" product and on group management. Discover the new features making your catalogue richer, your clients' online experience better and your operators more productive.

With Matterhorn V2, SecuTix has rethought entirely the visit product. To help you energize your offers, we give you the Visit pass, a brand new product family that replaces the existing visit product family. With the Visit pass, museums are able to create and manage tailored made visits (indivudual, grouped, guided, flat rate). And this without the complexity! True to our goal of simplification, on top of the usual sales features, we have imagined a new calendar tool to centralize the planning of your visits and welcome your groups. On the ticketshop, the great novelty is probably the online booking, now available for all product families. A true online sales trigger, this feature gives your clients more flexibility. This flexibility will also be found in the new design of the 3D seat maps, with immersive 360° photos. A more modern purchasing experience guaranteed!

We have chosen to showcase the three following novelties:

New Visit pass product family

Do you offer individual or group visits? Do you want to simplify visit management or acquire a sophisticated management tool that brings together guides, themes and language? The new Visit pass product family meets your needs, from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

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  Plan your tours through the calendar

Centralize all of the information on your tours in a calendar that simplifies tour planning. You’ll have one single tool that lets you visualize your tours across the week, plan your guides, modify groups and even make quick sales when your visitors arrive.

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Offer online booking

Even more flexibility for your customers! With the new online reservation system, you can offer your partners, groups and even internet users the possibility of booking tickets without having to pay for them immediately.

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Other novelties and improvements

Matterhorn V2 brings many more features and improvements.



Technical details

 Supported configurations...
  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • Firefox 38.6.1ESR 
  • Java 1.8u74 
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