Manage documents from file details

Manage documents from file details

NEW V2.6 Manage document uploads directly from the File Details page through the online portalDocuments could be uploaded during the checkout process of the ticketshop, typically useful in case customer need to provide some proof of eligibility for example. However, with more complex sales process, this may be insufficient, as guest may only be known at a later stage.


The file details page now provides an document attachment section, where customers can manage their files.

Getting started

Two new point of sales parameters have been added to toggle this feature:

  • Allow document upload: this option allows customers to upload additional document, up to the configured limit. Additional documents can also be uploaded from the back-office.
  • Allow document deletion: this option allows customers to delete any uploaded document. Deleted documents do not count towards the limit on the number of uploads.

By default, the maximum number of files that can be uploaded from the ticketshop is 5 but that limit can be configured to any value you want, up to a strict limit of 20.

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