Commission contract on net price (without VAT)

Commission contract on net price (without VAT)

 NEW V2.12 The commission contract feature will enable advanced setup of commission calculation by adding the possibility to calculate the commission based on the net price. For now the calculation was only possible on the full price (taxes included).

Commission contracts can now support a commission calculation based on the net, so this let's you more flexibility in setting up you commercial agreements with companies and agencies (structures in SecuTix terminology)

In SecuTix, we have 3 types of contracts :

  • Commission
  • Order discount
  • Post-commission

In this release, we are introducing the "contract price type" field that will let configure how the commission should be calculated with or without VAT.

Selection of which "Contract price type" the commission calculation will be using

Getting started

Here you can simply access the contract section of SecuTix from the organization context. From the contract screen, you can either create new contract or change existing ones with the new option.


File details : Commission calculation done on net price

Order summary : Commission calculation done on net price

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