Mobile box-office captures origin of customers

Mobile box-office captures origin of customers

Operators working with the mobile operator can now capture the origin of customers on anonymous sales in order to get demographics data.

New capture origin screen

The mobile box-office can now capture the origin of your customers. Despite the fact that the sales are anonymous on the mobile box-office, you will be now able to understand where you customers are coming from through the origin of anonymous sales report. Once the feature is activated the new screen on the right will presented to operators to collect the following fields :

  • Country (mandatory)
  • Zipcode (optional)
  • Region (optional)

Mobile operator screen to capture the orgin of anonymous sales

Getting started

Go to your mobile operator point of sale >> theme >> Tab Advanced >> create the following key and set it to true.

activation key
config.contactOrigin.widget.enable = true

Activation of the capture origin widget

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