Published — v. 4


Why should organizers use it?

  • The spectators, who send tickets to their friends, will receive a reminder if on the match day or after 48 hours from the moment they send the ticket, and the recipients have not downloaded the tickets yet. It helps the sender can remind their friends or cancel the transfer and send it to others, and the organizers approach more potential spectators.
  • The feature include:
    1. A pop-up to announce to the spectators that the sent tickets have not been downloaded.

How it works?

  • Enable the feature: Go to the Application Settings tab of the Settings screen on TIXNGO Backoffice and set an interval value for this key ticket.pending-transfer.reminder-frequency
  • Interval time: is the value of this key in minutes Number of minutes before sending a not downloaded reminder in the app (ticket.pending-transfer.reminder-frequency)
  • If interval = 0, the feature is turned off.

How feature is visible on TIXNGO app?


Indication as screenshot above

pending_transfer_reminder_titleYour friend hasn't downloaded tickets yet
pending_transfer_reminder_bodyThe event is approaching and action is needed. Kindly remind your friend to download the tickets you sent. You can also cancel and retrieve the tickets to your wallet if necessary. Act now!
pending_transfer_reminder_btn_01Go to pending transfers

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