Back-office (Breithorn V1)

Back-office (Breithorn V1)

Extended barcode format for open passes and visit passes

Currently, you may encounter issues with TNAC access control if some end customers try to enter your venue with an open pass bought more than 500 days ago (for example, an open pass valid for 2 years from the purchase date). Your end customers could also experience difficulties if they buy a time slot pass or a visit pass more than 1'500 (4 years) in advance, but this shouldn't happen often. In order to avoid such issues, SECUTIX provides a new barcode format specially designed to store validity duration of very long lasting open passes or visit passes bought very long in advance.

Optional order and card receipt in France

For our customers in France: a new law entering in force on 1st of January 2023 will forbid the printing of order receipts or card receipts unless the end customers has explicitly required them.

Select the cash-desk to which the refunds created by the batch will be assigned

Currently, the refunds created by the credit card refund batch are automatically assigned to the operator who has the most recently updated the batch parameters. A new batch parameter allows you to select the operator of your choice.

Selecting the point of sales on which the reset password link is based

You will now be able to select the point of sales on which the reset password link (mentioned in the reset password email) will be based. This is useful when a relay working on a B2B sales channel creates a B2C contact during the distribution process.

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