Sales representatives

Sales representatives

This development allows you to create and manage sales representatives in the back office.

First, to create a sales representative in the system, simply create a new relay contact. When creating orders associated to this sales representative, simply add this contact as the owner of the file.

If you want to create sales representative groups, you can use the new Sales responsibility sub menu in the contact edition screen.

For a contact within a group, there are two possibilities: either the contact is the lead of the group, or the contact "reports" to the leader of the group.

If the current contact is the lead of the group, you can select the relay contacts in the same structure who will be part of his group. The current contact is said to be responsible for these selected contacts.

If the current contact is not a leader, then you can simply select the lead contact of the group you want the current contact to be part of.

If a contact is the leader of a group, he cannot be reporting to an other contact ( A → B  → C is not permitted) and the field will be disabled and vice versa.


Here, we have Viviane who is reponsible of two people, David and Dung. They form a group of three sales representatives. The three of them cannot be part of any other group.

Please note that the responsibilities are updated for all the selected contacts automatically, and that if you change a contact's structure, all his Sales responsibilities entries will be cleared.

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