Veto purchases based on where the buyer lives

Veto purchases based on where the buyer lives

You can now veto all online visitors who live in a certain geographical area from purchasing tickets for a certain match or any performance. You can apply the veto to an entire country or a set of postal codes. If the postal codes are geographical indicators (which is usually the case) you can veto sales to online visitors who live in this area. For example, you can prohibit sales to anyone who lives in the Bas Rhin area of France by vetoing all postal codes starting with 67 (without having to list all the codes, obviously). An online visitor's place of residence is not defined based on the address they give the institution but on geolocation of their internet connection.


 As this feature requires a payment service that locates IP addresses, you will need to contact customer service in order to use it.


A new type of limit called 'Geographical limits' is now available in the catalogue.

To veto sales, the operator needs to create a new geographical limit specifying:

  • The event (match or performance) to which the veto applies
  • The country to which the veto applies. Obviously, the operator can create multiple vetoes for the same event in different countries
  • A description of the vetoed area in the country concerned. This veto contains the initial numbers (or letters) of the postal code(s) you wish to disallow. If you leave this description empty the veto will apply to the whole country.


  • Veto on all postal codes starting with 67, i.e. French department 67
  • Veto on postal code 13150


  • When online visitors select an event for which they have no right of purchase, an error message appears when they try to add this event to their cart. The default error message simply indicates that an error has occurred when adding to the cart, without specifying why. If you want to display a more explanatory message, you can configure the wording of the messages displayed in online sales from 'Initialisation > Sales channels > Point of sale > Internet theme > Advanced'.
  • The accuracy of the information provided by the geolocation service is not necessarily 100%. For example, it also depends on the online visitor's access provider or connection type. The location of a visitor connected via 4G may not be detected quite as accurately.
  • If you want to change the content of the message displayed, you can easily change the following label : label.error.orderGeoIpLimit


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