Back-office (Allalin V2)

Back-office (Allalin V2)

Mass-refund of matches in season ticket at the right price

NEW V2.4 COVID HELP You are facing match cancellations and would like to refund part of their season tickets to your loyal fans? During the mass-cancellation batch, you can now refund to your season ticket holders the fraction of their season ticket corresponding to the cancelled match. Your refund operations are therefore significantly simplified and aligned with resale and upgrade processes.

Automatic email notification of refund payments

NEW V2.3 COVID HELP When processing mass-refunds, it is key to communicate clearly with customers on the state of their refunds, to avoid overloading your call centre with basic questions. Up to now, automatic emails could be triggered for some steps inside the refund process (e.g., when a ticket cancellation order is created, or when a refund payment is dispatched to either the credit card or the customer credit account by the batch). However, nothing automatic existed for bank transfer refunds or refunds of the money on the customer credit account. A new batch now enables you to setup such automatic notifications, so that all refund payments, whether they are coming from an order or from the customer credit account, generate an automatic email notification with relevant details, reducing the number of customer inquiries.

Define a max number of characters accepted in the value of your custom variables

NEW V2.3 You are an extensive user of the custom variables in SecuTix to store custom data and you use our API to read the custom variables form another system, then the possibility to define a max number of characters is a must have to avoid issues due to too long values or too much data stored in the custom variables that would not be supported by the caller system.

Price breakdown in invoices and other documents

You are using price breakdown? The price breakdown is now taken into account when generating an invoice or other documents, thus providing accurate detailed VAT amounts and, if needed, more detailed product information. If you don't define price breakdowns for your price grids, you can ignore this feature as nothing changes in your case.

Mass-cancellation of passes and services

NEW V2.0 COVID HELP The tools for mass-cancellation expand to more product families: you can now process cancellations for open passes, visit passes, timeslot passes and services efficiently, to relieve your operators from tedious manual work.

Seat map editor improvements

NEW V2.9 A set of key features of the seat map editor have been tweaked in order to improve the user experience.

Setting start / end validity time on custom variables

NEW V2.12 You are using custom variables to store additionnal data linked to your catalag of product and reading those data through the SecuTix public to build a custom visitor journey. Then you will now have the option to define a date and time for start validity date and end validity date of you custom variables values.

External reference from movement available on ticket templates

 NEW V2.12 You are storing external references at movement level through SecuTix Public API, you will now be able to integrate those data on SecuTix ticket templates that will then printed every time such ticket template is used.

Improvements to the printer interface

NEW V2.12 The printer interface (PDF Tickets) already provides a function to export ticket data in a CSV format that can be processed by a printing company. You can now launch that function in a fully automatic way from the external printing screens. Furthermore, the exported file has received some small improvements.

Improvements to the reservation cancellation process

NEW V2.12 The cancellation process of reservations not paid on time has been improved. The batch process and the screen in sales management module have been aligned and enriched. For example, the end customer will get an email informing him about the reservation cancellation, and more filters are available in the batch process.

Price refactoring and breakdown for open passes

NEW V2.12 After the price refactoring and breakdown implemented in the previous releases for single events and visit and time slot passes, it's now time to extend this feature to the open passes. The goal of the refactoring is to store all kinds of prices (no matter the product family, inside a package or not, etc.) to a price grid in a standard way so that all product families can benefit from the new features like the price breakdown.

Order digital signature for German customers (Kassensicherungsverordnung)

NEW V2.12 The law „Kassensicherheitsverordnung“ has come into force in Germany on 01.01.2020. This law will require a digital signature for each order. Ticketing solutions have to comply with the new law as of 01.10.2020. SecuTix provides you all the features necessary to comply with this new law.

Other improvements

  • NEW V2.12 If you are storing external references against orders through our public API or via reseller interfaces, you will now have the possibility to search by external reference in the files list screen.
  • NEW V2.12 Custom variable can now support time setting to manage with a better granularity the start validity date / end validity date
  • NEW V2.12 Ticket templates can now include information about the purchaser contact and his/her structure (in addition to the ticketholder / cultural contact available today)
  • NEW V2.6 Structure information linked to the distributor relay can now be mentioned in the email received by customer when tickets are distributed to them in the distribution portal. To display it, you can simply create a custom email template and add this newly exported information to your custom template.
  • NEW V2.6 The validity verification of transport stops function supports now the new transports stops data structure. 
  • NEW V2.3 Save some setup time with the possibility to copy tariffs from one season to another.
  • NEW V2.3 Inside document templates (file summary, invoices, etc.), matches are now sorted by their match day instead of the default chronological order (service request required).
  • NEW V2.12 Feature deprecation: old visit products are now fully unsupported: screens to create and manage old visits have been completely removed, but you will continue to see the relevant information if opening old orders or looking into reporting. Visit passes are the supported alternative, including guide management inside the contact module.
  • UPCOMING The order digital signature is now available for our German customers (in order to comply with Kassensicherungsverordnung)

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