Online Sales (Allalin V2)

Online Sales (Allalin V2)

Optimal seat selection with organic social-distancing

NEW V2.12 COVID HELP Optimize your attendance while respecting the social distancing regulation of your region of operation. Our optimal seat selection algorithm will take into account your social distancing rules in order to provide the best possible seats for your customers.

Quick and easy access to your venue

 NEW V2.9 Get access to ticket barcodes straightaway on the screen on your mobile device or in the confirmation email. No need to connect anymore on the online account to print the tickets in order to see the barcode and be able to present it at the entrance. The system will show the barcode right after the purchase has been done making the user experience on site fast and delighful.

Monetize streaming or virtual content with SecuTix

NEW V2.3 COVID HELP Discover how SecuTix can help you to monetize your virtual content and connect with your audience through new ways.

Online open-choice packages with matches

NEW V2.0  You want to offer packaged offers combining several matches or matches with extra services enabling your fans to choose the match they want? You can now sell those new offers online thanks to a clear match selection widget.

Reusable voucher usage information

NEW V2.0 Reusable voucher usage becomes easier: the remaining amount is now displayed to the customer in his account, ensuring transparent information and an incitation for your customers to spend the remaining amount.

Season ticket e-cards

NEW V2.0  With the ever increasing number of smartphone users offering simple dematerialized solutions is crucial. E-tickets shipment mode can now be used for your season ticket cards.

See my password when registering online

NEW V2.0 Some users can struggle with typing the same password twice, especially if the password is a really secure one. The reveal my password feature will help any user going through the process.

Country of residence restriction for internet point of sales

NEW V2.0 In some situations, it is required to offer different products, prices or payment methods that depends on the customer's country of residence. For example, you may want to have a dedicated sales channel for host-country residents only. SecuTix now offers the ability to restrict the access to an internet point of sales based on the country of residence, including the ability to automatically redirect customers to the right portal if required.

Enhanced label customization experience for online portals with bulk export & import

NEW V2.6 You are an extensive user of label customization for online portals? Being able to manage the label customization and translation in bulk autonomously via the back-office becomes a must-have feature when the customization workload increases. Our new label bulk management feature is designed to answer this need with the goal to offer you an enhanced label management experience for customizations, translations and easy duplications from one Point of Sales to another. 

Optimize Google Search Results further by tweaking page titles for events

NEW V2.12 Your ticketshop pages already have meta information and meaningful titles to help in optimizing search results. For customers that want to go beyond, a new flexibility is added: you can tune the content of the title tag and the og:title metadata to make them even more relevant to your particular business.

Other improvements

  • NEW V1.12 When using prepayment, order are correctly completed as sales in cases where the internet users pays the order entirely by voucher or credit account.

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