Modify the physical configuration of your currently active venue

Modify the physical configuration of your currently active venue

Have you completed the configuration of your venues for all events and it is announced that an additional range of seats will be added in one of them? Do you want to add new blocks to improve the repartition of your seats? It now possible to modify the physical configuration of your venue without having to go back through the plan editor and the creation of a new physical configuration. This new possibility if offered to you even if your physical configuration has already been validated and is used for validated or even on sale sessions (or matches). All available tools in the plan editor are at your disposal to edit the physical configuration: Add/delete seats, editing and blocks or zones adding, etc. You can therefore quickly make small changes on your seating plan to manage last minute changes.

Modifications of the physical configuration are immediately spread to all the associated physical and logical configurations. The system protects you from manipulation errors. For instance, you cannot delete the seats that have already been sold in at least one session. In addition, you have the control on offer for sale of added seats, since new seats are initially invalidated in all our logical and sales configurations.


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