Pro area: tickets distribution on plan and improved ergonomics

Pro area: tickets distribution on plan and improved ergonomics

Your B2B contacts are already given the opportunity to distribute their tickets to other contacts and/or to print their print@home tickets per batch. For events and competition products, it is now possible to select seats from the seating plan. Your B2B clients can therefore localize their tickets in your venue or stadium before distributing them, and to ensure the distribution of adjacent seats to their contacts. Some ergonomic improvements make the process much clearer, and enhancements at the level of the dashboard support the tracking of tickets distributed by the internet user.

The display of the plan for the distribution is similar to the new seating plan of the online sale and benefits for instance from a view per bloc for big plans (stadiums for example). A great number of seats can be selected through the "lasso" selection option. Finally, after the distribution, the seats in question remain visible on the plan, and the contact details to which the ticket has been attributed, or the beneficiary to whom the ticket has been printed is visible.


The plan view is accessible for a given session (or a match) from the list of tickets to distribute for an event or a competition. The ergonomics of the distribution screen has also been improved: the internet user is better guided through the two steps of the process (selection of seats, allocation of seats), and the distinction between the distribution option to another contact and the immediate printing of print@home tickets is immediately visible.


Finally, various improvements in the dashboard (such as an Excel export of the detail of the seats distributed and to be distributed, or even the display of the seat number in the various ticket lists accessible from the dashboard) will help your B2B internet users to better control the smooth distribution of their tickets.

To benefit from these improvements, you do not need to do anything: all pro areas offering ticket distribution automatically benefit from these improvements.


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