Upgraded reporting (Piz Bernina V1)

Upgraded reporting (Piz Bernina V1)

New domains

Access control

The access control domain lets you obtain detailed information on ticket checks and use it to infer useful attendance information. This new domain provides more detailed data than the existing attendance domain when the same ticket is used several times. This is the case when the ticket provides access to an area with several entrances or sectors, each for a different exhibition at the same museum. For group tickets (group visit), the attendance figures take into account the number of visitors in the group.

The system now provides the following new variants as standard:

  • Attendance by access door: number of checks at each access door during a specific period, and number of corresponding visitors
  • Attendance by price: number of tickets checked by product and price during a specific period, and the number of corresponding visitors
  • Customer journey: list of sectors and entrances a visitor has gone through
  • Use of undated products: average number of times the same ticket is used during a specific period

Obviously, you can easily create a customised report by taking advantage of the many data aggregation options. For example, you can define the timing (attendance by month, day, hour, and so on).

Note: This domain provides several pieces of attendance information:

  • Number of checks: number of checks carried out
  • Number of tickets: number of different tickets checked. A ticket that's checked several times is only taken into account once in the ticket numbers
  • Participants: total number of visitors. This number takes account of the number of checks and the number of visitors on each ticket
  • Average ticket use: the number of times the same ticket is used

Expansion of existing domains

Updating report data

SecuTix now takes slightly less time to update report data. The date of the last data update is now displayed at the bottom of the report generation screen. This means you can be sure that the data in the report you've just generated is actually up to date.

Contact selection

The filter definition screen now lets you select multiple contacts.

Displaying columns when aggregating data

Up to now, when operators selected an aggregation criterion or used a report variant involving the aggregation criteria (e.g. sales by purchase contact), they could only display the columns containing quantities or amounts. For example, operators could display the total amount for purchases by contact but were unable to show all the information associated with that contact.

All the domains now allow selection of any column, even when the aggregation criteria have been defined. If there are several possible values for the selected aggregation criteria, a '*' is shown. For example: the Product column for a list of sales by contact.

Activity criterion added

The Activity criterion has been added to all the domains so that you can select products. This makes it easier to select events.

Product revenue

We've expanded the product revenue domain in several ways:

  • This domain now lets you show the status of a session or visit slot
  • You can choose whether or not to display the graphic
  • Match-specific information has been added (team name, day/round). With the right settings you will be able to call up the product revenue for a given day, whether from the match itself or from other associated services on the same day (such as parking).
  • This domain now manages two "types" of sales channel
    • The channel where a sale or refund actually took place
    • The initial channel, which is still related to the channel where the sale took place.

Let's suppose a contact buys 5 tickets in the ticket shop and then asks to cancel 2 of them at the box office.

    • If you want to account for the cancellation at the box office, look at the actual sales channel (to display as a selection or aggregation criterion)
    • If you want to account for the cancellation at the ticket shop, look at the initial sales channel

Fee revenues

We've expanded the fee revenue domain in several ways:

  • The concept of an initial sales channel (see description of product revenue extensions)
  • VAT amount
  • Aggregation by sales date

Seats list

This domain displays seat locations as "Zone - Block - Row - Seat". If one report row corresponds to several seats, you can display the location of the first and last seats in the group.

Tickets list

We've expanded ticket lists in several ways:

  • Match-specific information (team name, day/round)
  • First and last name of beneficiary/cultural contact
  • Seat location as "Zone - Block - Row - Seat"
  • Better inclusion of season tickets and packages. Thanks to the new "composite product" column, you can now see the list of season ticket holders with or without the detail of the season ticket content. There are some new standard variants available.

Box office closure and verification

When box offices are controlled in direct mode, or in detail mode with the petty cash explicitly counted, box office closure and verification reports previously displayed the following information:

  • Amount in cash (excl. petty cash)
  • Amount of petty cash

We've added the following to these reports:

  • Amount in cash (incl. petty cash)

Box office details

The petty cash amount has been added to the first section of this report (only visible when box offices are controlled in direct/detailed mode).

Revenue slips

This report, which is specially designed for private theatres, now displays the tax ID for the session if one is available. This unique tax ID is assigned to a session when it closes if the "Next session tax ID" field has been completed in the "Characteristics" tab for an entity. This field indicates the tax ID that will be assigned to the first closed session. The number increments by 1 as each session closes

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