Friends and family management
Friends and family management
The back office "Contact" module already allowed you to define links between contacts – usually family relationships. This is now possible in the Client account section of the ticket shop: a new "Friends and family" menu item lets web users connect several contacts to their profile.
- Open the "Friends and family" menu to see your connections list
- You can remove the link between contacts and add a new contact to the list.
- The result is immediately displayed on the screen and the contact that the visitor has just created receives an email telling them an account has been created for them.
Existing contacts versus new contacts
The possible scenarios are as follows:
- The visitor wishes to add a new contact (who is not in the database).
- The visitor clicks the "New" button
- They complete the Email address, Last name and First name fields
- The system creates the contact and the contact receives an email notifying them of their new account.
- The visitor wishes to add a new, existing contact (the contact is already in the database)
- The visitor clicks the "New" button
- They complete the Email address, Last name and First name fields
- The system checks that the last name and first name match the existing email address.
- If it does, the link between the contacts is created.
- If it doesn't, the system sends a message indicating that this email address is already in use and does not match the name the visitor has entered.
- If it does, the link between the contacts is created.
- As links between contacts are directional, the visitor is the "parent" of the contact they have just created, and the created contact is the "child".
How to activate this new feature
To activate the feature, go to the point of sales Characteristics tab.
This is the first of a series of more advanced functions for contact linking which will be available in forthcoming major SecuTix releases.
, multiple selections available,
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