An improved producer space

An improved producer space

Promoters and producers responsible of events or visits may connect to a user friendlier producer space in order to get a clear information about their revenue in a convenient way.


A new landing page has been designed to address specifically the needs of producers and promoters. A promoter/producer can now generate a report on several products simultaneously. All information useful when it comes to sell products but irrelevant in the context of a producer/promoter who wants some information on his revenues have been removed to make the page shorter and allow the promoter/producer to reach his goal more efficiently.

In order to help the promoter/producer in choosing an appropriate report, the system will check that the selected report is compatible with the selected product(s) and display an error message if an issue has been identified.

The promoter may enter a sales period so that the generated report takes only into account the reservations and sales created during this period. If the selected report isn't foreseen to handle such a period, an error message will be displayed and the promoter has to select another report.

In a second step, the landing page will be integrated to the dashboard that is currently under development. It will be possible to generate reports directly from the dashboard.

How to get started

Simply log in to the producer space and the new landing page will be displayed. The landing page supports two ways of working:

  • Select one, several or all products displayed in a given tab (matching a given product family), select a report, and generate it. This allows you to generate quickly a report on multiple products
  • Click on the Manage button and select the performance of an event (or the day or timeslot of a visit) to generate the report on a fine grained selected item

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