Google search optimisation of Ticket Shop pages

Google search optimisation of Ticket Shop pages

This feature improves the ranking of the Ticket Shop pages by integrating automatically some metadata Google Search is fond of.


The principle is to provide some metadata information into the tour pages and performance pages of the SecuTix Ticket Shop. This feature has no impact on your institutional web site if you are using a web site distinct from the SecuTix Ticket Shop.

This feature only provides meta data to improve the ranking. It doesn't provide any warranty on the ranking obtained.


Changes on Ticket Shop performance page

  • "title" and "og:title": format: "Location (city) | Performance Date time | Tour external name | Artist1 stage name - Artist2 stage name"
    • If Tour does not exist in any case > replace by Event external name.
    • If one of those info is missing: do not show that parameter.
    • Length of title:
      • Make sure it's less than 60 chars - to be able to display on Google search:
      • Remove entirely the parameter (Artist 2 - Artist 1) if it makes title > 60 chars.
  • "og:image": link to S3 image of the performance or event or tour
  • "og:url": Internet link of the performance / event / tour (use the one from performance, if not exist, fallback to event/tour)
  • “og:description” & “description": Use performance / evet / tour description for the both meta tag

Changes on Ticket Shop Tour page

  • "title" and "og:title": format: "Tour external name | Artist1 stage name - Artist2 stage name"
    • If Tour does not exist in any case > replace by Event name.
    • If one of those info is missing: do not show that parameter.
    • Length of title:
      • Make sure it's less than 60 chars - to be able to display on Google search:
      • Remove entirely the parameter (Artist 2 - Artist 1) if it makes title > 60 chars.
  • og:image: link to S3 image of the Tour
  • og:url: if the Tour contains an Internet link --> set the link to this tag
  • “og:description” & “description": Use Tour description for the both meta tags

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