Default simple charges defined at sales channel level

Default simple charges defined at sales channel level

From Gabelhorn V1, SecuTix allows you to define, for a given sales channel, default simple charges that will apply to all products of a given product family, The possible simple charges amount defined at product level (already existing feature) will override the default amount defined at sales channel level.

There is also a new parameter Threshold at each charge table, that will decide if the product will be charged or not, base on its most expensive price.

How to use this new feature?


At each sale channel, a new menu "Default Charges" is available.

For each product family and season, operator can define a default charges for the products of that season for the current sale channel.

Operator could also define an exceptional product that won't be subject to the default charges. 

In addition, a new attribute "Threshold" is available for each charge table.

Sale process

At the sales channel where the default charges are configured, when tickets are being sold:

  • If the product itself has a charge configured, the charge will be created with that charge table
  • If the product does not have a charge, then the default charge defined at the current sales channel will be applied for the tickets (provided that the product doesn't belong to the list of excluded products mentioned previously).
For the threshold:

Before calculating the charges, the system will find the most expensive price of the current product, and compare with the threshold:

  • If the most expensive price of the product is higher than threshold > the charge will be created as usual
  • Else, the charge will not apply for the current product.

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