Change the shipping or billing contact

Change the shipping or billing contact

Shipping contact

Your visitors were already able to change the shipping address in online sales. They can now also amend the contact itself.

The editing screen includes the contact fields, which are pre-populated with the contact’s details and the current shipping address. In the contact forms configuration screen you can choose which fields to display.

If a user amends the ‘Address’ fields only, the system creates a new address for the current contact. If the user also amends the ‘Contact’ fields, the system creates a new contact and address. The address will be linked to the main contact and available for later use.

Note that these new shipping contacts are automatically created with a backdated validity date so as to keep the database clean.

Billing contact 

The billing contact can also be modified during the final step just before payment. This option is not enabled by default. You need to enable it in the ‘Internet’ parameters for the point of sale.

As with the shipping contact, in the contact forms configuration screen you can choose which fields to display for billing contact modification.

Note that unlike new shipping contacts, billing contacts are active contacts because they are linked to settlements and must be available for use by the various search filters.

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