Technical enhancements to Premium Credit UK management and payments

Technical enhancements to Premium Credit UK management and payments

Whymper V1 introduces some technical enhancements as regards integration with  Payment using Premium Credit UK which are designed to reduce your operational workload:

  • Simplified payment management (reconciliation and verification)
  • Credit requests involving large sums that require manual validation by Premium Credit

Simplified payment reconciliation and verification between SecuTix and Premium Credit

The contact's number is sent to Premium Credit as an external identifier. This makes payment reconciliation and checking simpler because it allows contact number searches in SecuTix and Premium Credit. So it's very easy for the operator responsible for payment verification and reconciliation to identify payments as well as correspondence between SecuTix and Premium Credit.

SecuTix logs the ‘D-reference’ identifier issued by Premium Credit for each payment made via its UK service. This provides an additional search and identification level for payments between the two organisations.

New back-office process with Premium Credit

Premium Credit features different payment/credit request processes online and in the back office. The back-office process is now simpler because the digital signature step (which is mandatory online) is not required. This makes it far easier and faster for back-office operators to use Premium Credit UK for payments.

Manual validation of credit requests for large sums

Premium Credit must manually validate certain payments. In such cases, order status remains ‘Suspended’ in SecuTix. These validations can take 24 to 48 hours, which meant that the order had to be updated in our system to flag it correctly as paid. This process is now automatic. SecuTix will regularly check credit requests to Premium Credit and as soon as a request changes from ‘Suspended’ to ‘Approved’, it will automatically be closed in SecuTix. This saves considerable time when it comes to payment management and reconciliation.

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