Credit card refund

Credit card refund

SecuTix 360° pave the way to an easy and integrated processing of credit card refunds. Unforeseen events led to the cancellation of a performance? Customers who bought a seat on the Internet seeking a refund? Want to refund your customers directly to their credit card using your ticket reselling programme?

With SecuTix 360°, you have an integrated solution to easily deal with these situations in total security. You can now refund orders (individually or en masse) and process credit card refunds directly from SecuTix 360° without having to connect to the back office of your payment service provider. In the event that a credit card refund is not possible, you can transfer the refundable balance to the customer's credit account, and it can then be used it to buy other tickets or other products.

Ogone Exclusive Partnership

For now, this feature is only available to customers benefiting from our partnership with Ogone. The refund is based on features available only on our interface with this payment service provider.

The integration of the refund process in SecuTix 360° offers many advantages to your operators and your customers: 

  • Improved operational efficiency: Mass refunding of tickets is done quickly and requires minimal manual intervention.
  • Less risk of errors: Direct integration ensures that the amounts refunded match the tickets cancelled in SecuTix 360°, including cases in which the initial order includes other tickets that are not to be refunded. In addition, the SecuTix 360° payment module ensures that the amount refunded will never exceed the amount initially paid.
  • Traceability of refunds directly in the ticket shop: You can check if a credit card refund has been made from the ticket shop screens without having to connect to the back office of the payment service provider, which facilitates support tasks.
  • Direct communication with your customers: You inform your customers directly via e-mail when the refund has been made to their credit card or if the payment was made to their credit balance.

To ensure accurate refunds, the process consists of two steps:

Step 1: The execution of this function will cancel the sales orders and create a refund order. If the order contains several sessions/matches, the batch will selectively process the transaction for the cancelled sessions and only refund those operations. The batch also supports the reimbursement of sessions/matches sold within a package, subscription or season ticket. Payment of the refund order is created with a new payment method "Refund Requested".

Step 2: Once tickets are refunded through the "Refund in Requested" refund method, a new batch enables you effectively refund your customers, whether to the credit card they used to purchase the tickets when possible or to their credit account in other cases.

Step 1: Ticket cancellation

Mass cancellation for a performance

Mass cancellation is performed by the batch dedicated to the mass refund of performances (or matches). Cancellation is performed by running the "Cancel tickets of a performance/match" function. You may decide to restrict certain cancellation to certain contingents and/or certain seat categories. All refunds are made with the "Pending Refund" refund method, except payments not yet made to waiting accounts that are directly refunded to the waiting account.

Unit-based cancellation from the ticket window

Cancellation follows the usual process by using the cancellation basket. The operator simply selects the "Pending Refund" refund method as the refund method.

Step 2: Refund processing

Refunds are effectively processed using the "Dispatch payments to refund" function of the batch cancellation of a seat/match, whether the refund is unit-based from the ticket window or performed in mass using the batch process. This process is intended to be run regularly to process pending refunds that have been created in a certain period.

The correct processing of refunds requires the application of a strict procedure. Once the refund is processed by the payment service provider, it is generally not possible to cancel it. Accordingly, the refund procedure must be followed scrupulously.

Need to preserve your cashflow?

The automatic refund process will always attempt to refund the money to the credit card originally used for payment (if any). If you want to keep the money on the credit note account of the use, see at the end of this page for instructions.

Do you use the SecuTix 360 resale platform? The following procedure can process in the same way a refund to your customers who resold their tickets!

The procedure to be followed involves the following three steps:

  1. Verification of the amounts to be refunded: Before performing the actual refund, an operator must perform the batch refund in simulation mode by choosing the date range of refunds to be considered, such as last week or last month. The simulation mode produces an execution log detailing the refunds to be made and the number and total amount of refunds. This information enables the operator to validate the amounts before making the actual refund.
  2. Processing credit card refunds: Once the refunds are validated, the operator can run another with the same set of parameters as above (in particular, the range of dates). Just deactivate the simulation mode and choose not to credit the cases of errors to the credit account. At this stage, refunds that can be processed by credit card are sent to the payment service provider. The execution log identifies successful and failed payments. When payment is made, you can send an e-mail to the customer to confirm that a refund has been made to his/her credit card.

    Should transaction fail, you can either attempt the refund again later by repeating this same step or go to the next step to transfer the remaining refunds to the credit account.

    Refund is transaction based : it is the original purchase order that will be refunded.
    If holder's card has expired after the purchase and before the refund, there will be no problem to refund him.
    However, if the card has been cancelled (stolen, lost...) the refund could not be done : system will follow then the rules setup in the batch either to log an error or to refund on credit note. (see : below)

  3. Credit in the credit account of outstanding refunds: Lastly, the operator can run another once again with the same parameters, but by activating this time credit to the customer. As with the previous step, you can send an e-mail to the customer notifying that the refund is available on its credit balance.

What if you do not want the refund to go to the Credit Card used originally for payments? (e.g. to preserve your cashflow)

The automatic dispatch always attempts a refund on the credit card, if a credit was used initially.

If you prefer to refund systematically to the credit note account, it is possible to change the payment method from the List of Payment in the File Details screen, from "Refund in progress" to any payment method, e.g., "Customer credit account". After the change, the file will no longer be considered in the automated process described above.

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