Wide angle on merchandising

Wide angle on merchandising

More visuals for your merchandising products

With Dufour V3, SecuTix 360° offered an initial series of changes in respect of the online sale of merchandising products. The new version, Matterhorn V1, goes even further to showcase your merchandising products while paying special attention to the visual aspect.

When setting up a merchandising product, you can now upload several photos of the same item to represent it as faithfully as possible. In online sales, the new images are displayed as thumbnails positioned under the main picture. It is then enough for users to click on the thumbnails to view them larger and to easily browse from one to the other.

Les vignettes sont affichées, et clicables


Thumbnails are displayed and clickable.

Les images peuvent être affichées en grand

The images can be displayed in large format.


Here are some useful recommendations before starting.

  • Wherever possible, always try to use the same background colour for each photo associated with an item.
  • If you frequently renew your photos, consider creating a special photo space at your premises to ensure a constant source of lighting and background colour.
  • Feel free to capture an item from multiple angles (front, side, top).
  • It may be useful to provide a picture in a real situation and to indicate the actual product size.
  • Images should have a maximum size of 200 KB.

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