Instant loading of seats offered to your subscribers

Instant loading of seats offered to your subscribers

SecuTix 360° already provided you the opportunity to offer your subscribers advantages by offering seats for matches or performances not included in their season tickets. For instance, you could offer seats for cup matches to regular-season ticket holders. However, even if the seat was free, the subscriber still had to confirm his/her presence online.

This second step has now been eliminated. When the seat is free, your subscribers directly receive their tickets. On launching the transfer, the operator can indicate whether or not they want to directly create a sale for these cases.

The operator also decides the shipment modes for the tickets offered. For instance, priority can be given to digitised modes so as to minimise operational costs and provide greater flexibility to your subscribers.

The shipment mode options are as follows:

  • Load the ticket directly on the RFID card on which the subscriber has registered his/her season tickets (by choosing to authorise the card loading shipment mode).
  • Provide your subscribers a print@home or mobile e-ticket, which they can find directly on the Internet account (by choosing to authorise the electronic shipment mode).
  • Use the shipment mode initially used for the season tickets to provide the ticket, if you have chosen to authorise it (by choosing to authorise other shipment modes).

By default, the system will try to use the shipment mode originally used for the season tickets. If this is not authorised, it will then move on to one of the authorised shipment modes (usually print@home).

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